New Products

Quiltologie’s Mini Mania

12 Days of Mini Mania!! Our Mini Quilt kits are in Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores and to help you out, our YouTube Quiltologie series is dedicated to teaching simple techniques. You can use these skill builders on these or any quilt builds! Heather Valentine…

Sew Little Time Fabric Appliques

Trying to show off your creative spirit and just don't have time? Introducing Sew Little Time.  Look for these sweet fabric appliques in Hobby Lobby stores wearable aisle. Beautifully stitched florals and ditzy little prints for a designer look. Add them to your jeans, jackets, all…
Fun Projects

Springtime Fabric Blitz!

Curious bunnies want to know what we've been up to! Our creative team has put together a few Easter projects for you today. All winter we've been busy creating new fabric collections, a new Quilt Blocks design,  Quiltologie mini quilts and even some new needlework!…
Fun Projects

Christmas Projects Wrap-Up

Wishing you the joy of the season! We hope you have enjoyed the last two weeks of fabric crafting with Fabric Editions here on our blog and on Facebook! All of our sewing projects were created with Fabric Palette fat quarters and bundles from Hobby…