Tips & Tricks

Quilting Tips: Matching Eight-Point Centers

Hello Quilters!  Eight-Point Centers are found in Pinwheels and LeMoyne Stars. When triangles come together in the center of a block, as in a pinwheel, you must match all eight points together. Here are a few quilting tips from the Quilt Blocks designers.

Quilt Tips | Tips for matching 8 point centers

Place the top and bottom halves right sides together. Place a pin through the center “X” intersection of the two seams on the row that is on top. Lift the top row, and then place the point of the pin through the intersection of the center points on the bottom.


Pin on both sides of the center pin, then remove the center pin. Carefully peak inside – notice that not only do the points look like they’ll match, but a neat square is formed?


Until you are confident, let’s just sew an inch with a long, basting stitch.   Carefully sew the seam, making sure the seam goes through the center of the “X”.


Check on the right side of the block to be sure the eight points meet in the center. Now you can pin the rest – match the ends, raw edges and finish the seam.


Taking the extra time to baste the center results in perfect points every time. Try it!



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